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A witnessing prayer

Witnessing Christ in today’s world is a daunting task.  Competing truths, busyness and the distractions in life add up to what seemingly is a disinterested public. When you include our own fear and weaknesses, a believer needs to rely on God for his power and strength.

The great Christian missionaries of old knew that prayer is an important component to be God’s witnesses. They are songs of praise that come from a heart overflowing with thankfulness to the Lord. “Sing praises to the LORD, enthroned in Zion; proclaim among the nations what he has done.” (Psalm 9:7)

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Being a One Talent Church

In Jesus’ parable of the talents, he encourages all believers to fully exercise their faith by investing their gifts to further his work. This includes congregations as well. It doesn’t matter the size of the church, God still desires faithfulness to advance his kingdom. What does a one talent church look like?

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The Old Father and his Lawn

How do believers become inspired to proclaim the gospel? Since evangelism is not a requirement for heaven, nor a means to seek God’s approval. What does it take for Christians to share the Good News with others? A story about an old man and his lawn may give us an answer.

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Four ways to start becoming an innovative church

Innovation can be an intimidating word. Its connotation suggests change and being outside our comfort zone. Yet, innovation plays a key role in helping congregations who feel like they are spinning their wheels with their outreach activities. What are some important steps a congregation can take to start becoming an innovative church?

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Four Ways to Start Applying Innovation to Communicate the Gospel

I love innovation. I love discovering innovative ways to proclaim the gospel. How can congregations respond in this rapidly changing world to communicate what Christ has already done for us?

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Recent Articles


A witnessing prayer

Witnessing Christ in today’s world is a daunting task.  Competing truths, busyness and the distractions in life add up to what seemingly is a disinterested public. When you include our own fear and weaknesses, a believer needs to rely on God for his power and strength.

The great Christian missionaries of old knew that prayer is an important component to be God’s witnesses. They are songs of praise that come from a heart overflowing with thankfulness to the Lord. “Sing praises to the LORD, enthroned in Zion; proclaim among the nations what he has done.” (Psalm 9:7) Read more


Being a One Talent Church

In Jesus’ parable of the talents, he encourages all believers to fully exercise their faith by investing their gifts to further his work. This includes congregations as well. It doesn’t matter the size of the church, God still desires faithfulness to advance his kingdom. What does a one talent church look like?

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The Old Father and his Lawn

How do believers become inspired to proclaim the gospel? Since evangelism is not a requirement for heaven, nor a means to seek God’s approval. What does it take for Christians to share the Good News with others? A story about an old man and his lawn may give us an answer. Read more


Four ways to start becoming an innovative church

Innovation can be an intimidating word. Its connotation suggests change and being outside our comfort zone. Yet, innovation plays a key role in helping congregations who feel like they are spinning their wheels with their outreach activities. What are some important steps a congregation can take to start becoming an innovative church? Read more


Four Ways to Start Applying Innovation to Communicate the Gospel

I love innovation. I love discovering innovative ways to proclaim the gospel. How can congregations respond in this rapidly changing world to communicate what Christ has already done for us? Read more